7 Major Triggers Of Cancer

Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way, whether that's their own experience or through a friend or family member, and something we don't talk about enough, is how to prevent it from taking over the body in the first place!

Did you know that having a gene for cancer doesn't mean that you will get it? Cancer is produced through epigenetic influences that cause your cells to divide and replicate incorrectly. Basically, cancer cells are just cells that did not divide and recreate themselves correctly. Your body makes 100,000 mistakes every day during cell division, but through cell autophagy, your body is able to eat up these cells and dissolve them. Usually, your body has the ability to dissolve these broken cells, however, when consistently allowing these epigenetic influences to control your life, cancer can grow rather quickly.

Today I want to raise awareness on some of the major triggers that cause cancer to evolve. These are things the western medicine world ignores...

1) Cancer loves sugar. It feeds off of it in order to grow. When you have diabetes from insulin resistance, you are at a higher risk of cancer. If you have high spikes in your blood sugar control, meaning you eat lots of processed foods, carbs, and dairy, you will have a higher chance of getting cancer. In fact, one way that Functional Medicine Doctors will treat cancer is through water only fasts for 4 days to allow your insulin to take a break, slowing cancer growth and allowing your immune system to eat up cancer cells. Getting your insulin spikes under control now, is one way to prevent cancer.

2) An acidic body. Cancer loves acidic environments and hates alkaline environments. In fact, it has trouble growing in more alkaline environments. You can measure the acidity of your body through urine tests that measure pH levels. Acidic is 0.0-6.9, and Alkaline is greater than 7.0. Foods that are more acidic are coffee, wine, cheese, fish and seafood, high-sodium processed foods, fresh meats and processed meats, starchy foods such as brown rice, oat flakes, granola, carbonated beverages, and high protein foods and supplements with animal proteins.

Foods that reduce acid are most fruits, vegetables, soy products, yogurt, herbs and spices, beans and lentils, whole grains such as millet, quinoa, and amaranth, and fats like olive oil, avocados, nuts, and seeds.

3) Viruses. Viruses can hide and lay dormant in your body for years! They insert their own RNA into the host cell's genes and affect the DNA of the cell pushing it to become a cancer cell. Think about the HPV virus and how it can cause cervical cancer. We all have different virus' in our bodies from old exposures. Keeping your immune system robust and not overworked from having to fight off toxins and processesd foods that are foreign to the body, will allow the immune system to be sharp and keep those old virus' dormant. When your immune system is being preoccupied with consistent assaults on your body, virus' are able to take over and turn cell after cell into a cancer cell.

4) Not enough diversity in your nutrition. When you eat the same foods on repeat week after week, you will not have much diversity in your gut microbiome. This can lead to an overgrowth of bad bacteria that can cause all sorts of health issues from auto-immune conditions to cancer. 70% of your immune system is found in your gut as your body's first line of defense. If you don't have enough diversity, (chicken, veggies, rice, repeat) you will become nutrient deficient keeping your immune system and hormones that are created from certain nutrients, out of balance, allowing disease to take over. The more diverse your gut microbes the healthier you are.

5) Inflammation in your body. Chronic inflammation is the #1 cause for all diseases. Here is why: If you are consistently feeding your body foods that the body sees as foreign, it will cause in inflammatory response in your gut. This could even be healthy foods, that are covered with pesticides or herbicides. This is 90% of Americans! When these inflammatory processes become chronic, keeping your immune system busy, cell mutation and proliferation can take over creating an environment conducive for cancer growth.

6) Toxins. Over exposure to toxins in your environment will change your cell's DNA. One example of this, linked here, is this school ground's keeper DeWayne Johnson who sprayed the school grounds with an herbicide containing glyphosate, around 30 times per year spilling the herbicide on himself at one point. Monsanto, the makers of glyphosate had to pay him out $289 million from a lawsuit before he died from non-hodgkin's lymphoma from the chemical. Monsanto, an agriculture giant, had been hiding all studies that linked the chemical to cancer and paying off researchers to keep quiet. We can't avoid all toxins, but we can become aware of them and reduce exposure whenever possible.

7) Your thoughts. Just like a sexual thought can cause an arousal in your body, or a sad thought can cause angst at the pit of your stomach, chronic negative thoughts and stress can cause disease in your body. It down reguates genes turning on harmful ones and suppressing helpful ones. It also causes a chemical reaction through hormonal responses in your body that allows disease to take over. Become mindful what types of television, social media posts, and chatter you expose yourself to. If they trigger you, stop watching them. Find inner peace and joy and hold on to that. Deep breathe. Stop stressin'!

If you are convinced to finally make the necessary shifts in your life to get healthy, you can learn a protocol that will get you there through the Body UpLeveled Course. Learn more here. If you like this post, help me raise awareness by sharing to Pinterest!


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