Exiting the diet mindset

So, we’ve all been there. We’ve all searched “the quickest way to lose weight” in hopes to look good in that bikini for spring break, “which is the best diet for long term weight loss” or just looked up info on the latest fad diet like “Keto” or “fasting”. But here’s the thing. How did that work out for you? How long did it last? A day? A week?

Diets don’t work because they are restrictive and make you crave more. When someone tells you that you can’t have something, even if that someone is you, it just makes you want it more! Then you just binge eat that thing you were restricting yourself on in the first place. The other problem is, even if you do a freakin’ fantabulous job of sticking it out for a month or so, as soon as you go back to eating the way you were eating before (and you will) you gain back all the weight that you worked so hard to lose. And that, is no fun!!

What I propose, is that you lose the dieting mindset all together, stop looking for the next magic pill to help you burn fat, and start to completely shift your mindset and change your destructive habits that have been engrained in you since the beginning of time! Here are 3 steps to do just that:

1) Stop restricting yourself! Rather than think, “I need to not eat this pasta that I love so much because it will make me fat and miserable.” Enjoy your pasta! Enjoy every bite, but eat it slow and actually enjoy it. Scarfing it down, doesn’t give your body enough time to realize that it’s full and you will go for second helpings and be miserable in no time. Also, don’t eat until you are 100% full, eat until you are about 60-80% full. The Japanese have a phrase for this, “hara hachi bu” which teaches their people to only eat until they are 80% full. It teaches them to be mindful of how the food makes them feel, which is very important when it comes to losing weight or knowing what foods we react to. Believe it or not, bloating is not a normal reaction to food. It happens, when we have an intolerance to a certain type of food. I teach all about this in my online course Overcome Bloating and Brain Fog. You can get $10 off by using the code DIETFREE at checkout!

2) Know what the foods you choose to eat, are doing for you, at the cellular level. Ok, I know that sounds deep and complicated, but it’s really not! This was a gamechanger for me, and for my clients too! Most of us eat just to satisfy our taste buds and not give a care in the world to how that food is going to benefit us or harm us. For example, when you eat a burger and fries, it will spike your blood sugar and cause your insulin to increase, which makes you hold on to fat, if not instantly burned through a heavy workout. Which, who is actually going to workout immediately following a burger? Barf! I’d rather take a nap; and the reason I would rather take a nap is because once your insulin increases, it immediately decreases making you tired and have no energy. When you live at this level, on this constant rollercoaster of blood sugar highs and lows, you will eventually become insulin resistant, which can lead to diabetes and other diseases, as well as increase your belly fat. So, know how your food works at the cellular level!

3) Cook your food at home. Experiment with different foods from different cultures, taste the rainbow (eat colorful fruits and vegetables, they are packed full of bio actives that fight disease), and learn how to replace fat-causing foods like hydrogenated oils, processed foods packed with preservatives and hidden sugars, and foods with high-fructose corn syrup, with anti-inflammatory foods that will literally shrink your waist line. Again, go to my courses link at the top of the page to learn more.

Now stop dieting! :)

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