How deep Breathing Helps Anxiety

Anxiety is a vicious cycle. When you are anxious, you breathe faster, when you breathe faster, you become anxious. When you are breathing fast, you produce more CO2 than you do oxygen. CO2 binds to hemoglobin stronger than oxygen does, so your body holds on to CO2 and doesn’t receive the amount of oxygen it needs to function properly.

Your cells need oxygen and nutrients in order to live longer and function. When this doesn’t happen you become fatigued and cold. Your muscles need oxygen in order to work; when this doesn’t happen, you become weak. Your liver needs oxygen in order to filter toxins and clean your blood, when it doesn’t get enough oxygen, you develop fatty liver disease or it shuts down which can become deadly. Your brain needs oxygen to think clearly, hold memories, and operate sharply. Without oxygen it becomes foggy, tired, forgetful, and anxious! Therefore, receiving oxygen throughout your body is important, and deep breathing throughout your day helps you to achieve this.

How to Deep Breathe:

When you focus on breathing, you should see your belly rise first, and then your chest. If you place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest, and watch the rise and fall, you should see your belly rise first. This is how you breath deeply and fully. Take a long, deep, slow breath in and hold it for a few seconds…..then release it over a few seconds. Do this a few times until you feel your self calm down. Try to focus only on your breath during this time, rather than future events or past experiences. Very infrequently do we have the opportunity in our busy lives to be present throughout the day. Use your deep breathing time to practice mindfulness and be present. It allows you to calm your mind, reducing stress, anxiety, worry, and panic.


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