How To Master Anxiety Like A Bad Ass!

Does your central nervous system fire up constantly and for no freaking reason?! Do you find yourself getting nervous about stuff that you know is really no big deal, but you just can’t get that feeling under control? Do you realize, that by staying in these feelings, and allowing your belief system (or limiting belief system) to remain the same, you are creating habits that result in being stuck in a life of anxiety, which not only sucks as a feeling, but screws up your hormones, causes weight gain, and even adrenal fatigue?!

I know this because I have lived it! The good news is, I have come out on the other side of freedom from my anxiety, and YOU CAN TOO!!!

Let’s get to the good stuff, shall we?

Mastering Your Anxiety Like A Bad Ass:

Step 1: Become aware of your limiting beliefs. Limiting beliefs are any thoughts that tell you, “you are not good enough, you could never be this or do that…, you will never have…, you weren’t designed to be this or that…, you don’t have time for that…” you get the picture! Once you are aware of these beliefs, you can begin to stop yourself from speaking them into existence! Your thoughts and words create the reality you are living in. If you are telling yourself that something makes you anxious, you will continue to feel anxious anytime that something arises. Instead, start telling yourself that you are a freaking badass, and that you can do anything! See how that makes you feel!

So, “wake up, become aware of your perceived reality, make new choices, get outside your comfort zone, and believe in the unbelievable!” - Jen Sincero

Step 2: Take some deep breaths. Ok, until you do this, you will judge it hardcore, and never reap the benefits. So, it’s time to stop being “Judge Judy” and start mastering your mindset with meditation! Just take a few moments each day, close your eyes, and take some deep breaths in and out and focus on your breath. Whenever your mind starts to wonder, come back to the present and focus on just your breathing. This practice helps to train your mind to be in the present and not in the past or future. Anxiety usually stems from future thoughts and worries that don’t end up happening anyway, so no need to waste your time focusing on those unproductive thoughts. Learn to be present by practicing mindfulness meditation. There are lots of great guided meditations that will fire you up and help raise your vibe on YouTube. Start searching!

Step 3: Exercise. I know you’ve heard it a bajillion times, but there is a reason for that! Exercise helps to get all of the nervous energy out. It helps to calm your nervous system and reduce hormones like adrenaline and cortisol that cause you to be on edge and even hold onto weight. Exercise also releases endorphins, which are “feel good” chemicals in your brain! Therefore, it is scientifically proven to reduce anxiety and bring forth joy.

Step 4: Visualize what the opposite of your anxiety would look like! This is big. Basically, after you become aware of what triggers your anxiety, (i.e. limiting beliefs, the words you choose to use, your bad habits), you need to start visualizing what you would be capable of if you didn’t believe, say, or act in those ways that make you anxious.

Are you with me? Here is my own example. I used to be really anxious in social situations when I would have to talk to a group of people or any time attention would be all on me. The thoughts going through my mind were, “What are they thinking about when they are looking at me? Am I going to forget my words? Is my forehead shiny right now? I am not smart enough to be talking to this group of people! I need to hurry up and get done talking so I can shrink back and lose all this attention!” Then I started visualizing myself talking to a group of people, with others looking at me admiringly, leaning into what I was saying, asking me all the questions to learn more from my wisdom, wanting to know what products I use to make my forehead so shiny! Haha, you get the point. So be who you want to be in your mind, and practice that outwardly with your words, self talk, and actions.

Step 5: Positive Affirmations. Make it a habit, after your daily meditation, and visualization, to write down a few positive affirmations or “I am… statements”, that boost your ego and make you feel like a rock star. This is what I would do before job interviews. I would talk myself up until I believed it, then walk into that interview room and slap them in the face with so much confidence that they didn’t have a choice but to hire me! And boy, did that feel good!!

I have created a worksheet for you to get all those anxious feelings out and write them down, so that you can release them from existence and start creating new healthy habits to overcome your anxiety. You can download it here!

You get to choose which reality you are going to participate in. Is it one that holds you back with fear and anxiety? Or is it one that moves you forward with peace and joy?!


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